General Provisions
1. These Warranty Terms and Conditions apply to all goods purchased via www.rezava-vrtule.cz.
2. The Seller guarantees the quality and completeness of Buyer’s orders.
3. The Warranty Terms and Conditions are subject to the provisions of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, and Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code.
Warranty Terms
1. Where the Buyer finds out, after receiving a shipment, that the delivery was incomplete, he shall inform the Seller, in writing, by e-mail or via telephone, without undue delay, however no later than three (3) days after receiving the delivery.
2. Unless a different warranty is expressly provided all goods are provided with a warranty period of twenty four (24) months starting with the day on which the products were delivered.
3. When receiving shipments from the carrier (Czech Post) the Buyer shall verify that the packaging of the parcel is intact and that the contents were not damaged during transportation. Where the packaging is not intact or the goods are damaged, the Buyer shall refuse to accept the delivery, immediately request a “Damaged Shipment” report from the carrier, inform the Seller within 24 hours and send him the Damaged Shipment report. Later claims related to incomplete or damaged deliveries will not be taken into consideration and the Buyer will not entitled to any compensation whatsoever.
4. Where the Buyer identifies in the goods delivered a claimable defect or where such a defect develops or becomes apparent during the warranty period the Buyer has the right to lodge a complaint (raise a warranty claim).
5. Warranty claims have to be raised without undue delay after the underlying issue is identified.
Resolving Warranty Claims
1. Goods returned to the Seller has to be sent in the original packaging or, where original packaging is no longer available, in a different suitable packaging ensuring that the goods is not damaged during transport. Where relevant, parcels have to be marked with appropriate shipping instructions (such as FRAGILE etc.); generally, using the same marks as the Seller, if any, is recommended. When returning defective goods the Buyer shall ensure that the parcel is duly delivered to the Seller. Warranty claims cannot be accepted by the Seller when the goods claimed to be defective is damaged during shipping as a result of inadequate packaging and protection.
2. The Buyer shall provide the following together with the products claimed to be defective:
- original proof of purchase (invoice, delivery note) and all other documents;
- note describing the defects identified in the product(s), which has to contain at least the following details: Buyer’s name, address, phone and e-mail, date of purchase, invoice/delivery note number, product name and a detailed description of the defect together with how it developed.
3. Goods returned to the Seller together with all other required documents shall be sent as registered mail marked with the word “REKLAMACE” (“warranty claim”) to the following Seller’s address:
Rezavá Vrtule, (Tiskárna K+B, s.r.o.), L. Štúra 2456, 434 01 Most, Czech Republic
Please be advised that returns sent cash on delivery (COD) will not be accepted!
4. The Seller shall notify the Buyer via e-mail (if provided) that he received his warranty claim.
5. All warranty claims will be resolved within thirty (30) days after the defective goods is received by the Seller; where a longer period is required, it has to be agreed by the Buyer and Seller in writing, typically in a letter or e-mail.
6. Inasmuch as the warranty claim is found to be justified, the Seller reserves the right to resolve the complaint in one of the following ways set out in the applicable regulations, always with respect to product category and defect type: (a) by replacing the product (for a different one with the same parameters and properties), (b) providing an adequate discount, or (c) refunding the purchase price paid for the defective product (without postage and packing). Defects capable of being rectified are typically removed by repairing the defective product.
7. The Seller shall inform the Buyer via e-mail (if provided by the Buyer) about how the complaint will be handled and whether the Buyer receives another shipment (and if so when).
8. The complaint is considered closed as soon as the resolved claim is sent back to the Buyer.
Final Provisions
1. The Seller shall not be liable for damage to a product resulting from unskilled use or maintenance, external circumstances, mishandling, standard wear and tear or incorrect or unsuitable storing conditions.
Such defects are NOT COVERED by the product warranty hereunder!
2. Where a warranty claim proves to be unjustified, the products claimed to be defective will be returned to the Buyer (at his cost) with an explanation from the Seller’s representative responsible for the claim.
3. After a justified claim is finally resolved, the warranty period of the relevant product(s) will be extended by the time needed for the claim to be resolved. If the Buyer receives a new product as a result of his warranty claim, the warranty period for such a product starts on the day on which the claim was resolved.
4. These Warranty Terms and Conditions come into force on dd mmmm yyyy. The Seller reserves the right to update or amend the Warranty Terms and Conditions without notice.
Returns and Alternative Products
In accordance with the provisions of Act No. 367/2000 Coll. the Buyer has the right to return any goods ordered via the e-shop to the Seller or exchange it for a different product within fourteen (14) days after receiving the original product. The following rules have to be observed when returning or exchanging goods:
1. The product has to be sent as registered mail to the Seller’s address and delivered in the original packaging, undamaged, in its entirety, unused and without signs of use. Please be advised that products returned to the Seller MUST NOT be shipped cash on delivery (COD), as all such parcels are rejected by the Seller.
2. In addition, the parcel must include the relevant proof of purchase (invoice or delivery note) and all other documents received with the product in question (such as manuals, etc.)
3. The Buyer shall also provide the following details: his or her name, address, phone number, e‑mail and where the refund is to be sent (bank account number in case of wire transfer refunds).
4. Assuming the above requirements are met, the amount will be refunded within xx days after the returned product(s) are received by the Seller. Please note that postage and packing charges are not refunded. All cost related to the return or replacement of products shall be born solely by the Buyer.
5. The Seller will not accept products returned by the Buyer or his withdrawal from the purchase agreement unless all of the above conditions have been met and will ship such products back to the Buyer at his expense.