Need help when shopping?

    1. Registering and Logging In
    2. Shopping
    3. Searching Products
    4. Payment Options
    5. Shipping Options and Fees
    6. Data Protection

1. Registering and Logging In

    Do I have to register?
    No, you do not. Registration and logging in to the website is purely optional – but you may decide to do so to improve your online experience. However, the shop and all of its functionality – be it browsing the shop, viewing the goods, adding them to your cart, changing the quantities of items in the cart, filling in the order form or submitting a binding order – can be accessed and used anonymously should you prefer to do so. Nevertheless, recurring customers may find it more convenient to register, thus saving time in future.

    Click the “Log In” option in the main website menu to go to the Log In and Registration screen. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and have to be filled in carefully (these include your name, address, city, postcode, country and e-mail address). You may decide to fill in a shipping address different from your billing address if you want your orders to be shipped to such an address on a regular basis. When registering as an entity (business) you have to fill in your Business Registration Number (IČO) and VAT Number (DIČ).

   Already registered?
    Great! All you need to do now is log in using your e-mail and password.

    Changing your registration details
    You can change your registration details after logging in to the website.

    Forgot your password?
    Click on the “Log In” menu option and choose “FORGOTTEN PASSWORD”. Now you will be able to have your password sent to the e-mail used during website registration.

2. Shopping

   1. Browsing, choosing and buying goods via our e-shop is very easy and straightforward. The following tips will help you complete your orders quickly and successfully.
   2. The first step is finding the item you want to buy. Browsing the shop is easy but if you need help you can find useful tips in the “Searching Products” section below.
   3. You can add items to your shopping cart simply by clicking the “Buy” icon.
      You can add as many items to the cart as you want before submitting your order. When you want to purchase more than one piece of a product simply change the relevant quantity field in the shopping cart.
   4. After choosing all items, check the contents of your cart carefully – just to be on the safe side. Items in the cart are displayed after adding a product; you can also click the cart icon at any time to go directly to your order overview.
   5. On the shopping cart screen you can modify the order quantity or remove items from your order.
   6. Everything ok? Great! Now you can confirm and submit your order in four quick and easy steps.

3. Searching Products

    Browsing by item category
    Products are divided into different categories as displayed in the menu. After clicking the required category you will see a list of additional filtering options. Now simply make a choice to find the products you desire.

4. Payment options

    You can use the following payment options in our e-shop:

     IBAN: CZ07 6210 6701 0022 2227 8277

5. Shipping Options and Fees

    Our products are delivered by:

    Czech Post
    Products ordered from our e-shop are packed and posted together with all accompanying documents (receipt, warranty card, usage instructions, etc.).

6. Data Protection

    Any personal information (such as your name, address, phone number e-mail, bank details, business registration number, VAT number and other similar data) submitted in your order or provided during registration on our website is considered strictly confidential and protected against abuse. We will never provide your personal information to any third parties except those directly involved in the delivery of your order (post, banks, etc.) and to the minimum extent required.